Full direction

About all your shipments and rides

The DireXtion programme offers support in directing journeys in which the consignment is central. With DireXtion you keep full control during the execution of a journey.Het programma DireXtion biedt ondersteuning in het voeren van de regie over ritten waarbij de zending centraal staat. Met DireXtion houdt u de volledige controle tijdens de uitvoering van een rit.

As a Distribution Management System, DireXtion takes care of the management, planning and monitoring of transport trips and shipments with a focus on maximum effectiveness and efficiency. The software is suitable for various users, can easily be positioned next to existing (ERP) systems and offers an interface to which transport orders can be sent. DireXtion processes these orders, distributes them – based on postcode, business rules and different distribution layers – over journeys and calculates the most optimal order in which the journey should be carried out. DireXtion also offers you full insight into (the progress of) your process and monitors the completeness and timeliness of your shipments, as well as extensive communication options to clients and recipients.

With DireXtion you are able to support complex distribution processes. Different distribution scenarios are supported side-by-side or integrated. Both 1-man
Track & Trace of goods, shipments and rides. DireXtion's Controltower functionality gives you insight into all goods movements, whether it
DireXtion's Temperature module gives you insight into the transport conditions of your shipments. The complete temperature history of a journey,

Continuously up to date

DireXtion constantly provides you and your clients’ OrderEntry or CustomerService departments with information about relevant data in the transport process. As a result, the status of shipments can be discussed directly with every customer contact. Urgent or return shipments can be entered into the system directly at customer contact by these departments. This saves an enormous amount of ‘noise’ on the communication lines. When working with multiple depots, dispatchers at those depots can gain access to the system. This gives them direct insight into planned journeys and enables them to check on the spot and, where necessary, make adjustments or take action. They can also print shipping labels directly, easily indicate the status of parcels and add other relevant information.

Extensive problem registration

DireXtion has an extensive problem registration system that allows you to register problems at different levels (parcel, shipment, journey). Actions with business rules can then be linked to pre-defined problem codes. This makes it possible, for example, to schedule shipments where the addressee is not at home for the next day or to automatically transfer these to a return shipment back to the client.

Everyone the same information

With DireXtion you have a complete package in which everyone who has to deal with the transport process in the same application, but with different rights, has the same information. CustomerService at the customers/shippers has the same information as the employee at a distribution depot. This offers enormous advantages and minimizes reporting back and forth, thus reducing the risk of errors and miscommunication.